Pleasanton, CA
Frontend engineer at Google. Working in Google Assistant team.
I work in the Google Assistant team.
Veeva Systems
Software Engineer • UI Platform
04/2019 - 05/2019
Associate Engineer • UI Platform
06/2017 - 04/2019
ReactReduxWebpackBabelJestESlintPrettierStorybookSassI worked in the UIPlatform team for Veeva Vault. Our objective was to improve the foundation of our enterprise application using the latest technologies and best practices.
- Set up CDN for frontend static assets on AWS infrastructure.
- Created an interpreter runtime for a domain specific language using JavaScript.
- Developed various UI components in React including select and data grid.
- Developed a suite of URL/location utilities to unify client-side routing in our SPA.
- Evaluated and integrated various UI development tools such as dependency lock, Prettier, and Storybook.
- Rebuilt login/password reset flow using React, Redux and Redux Thunk.
I worked in a small fast-paced technology incubator. We experimented with various technologies and turned clients' idea into working prototype. As one of the frontend engineers in the team, I have experienced with Angular, React, Polymer, D3 and so on.
- Developed customizable data visualization components using D3 and Angular.
- Maintained a Angular UI component library.
- Developed a search engine frontend using Angular.
- Created and integrated a map widget that handled high-volume real-time data using Leaflet.
I majored in Computer Science, minored in Digital art. In college, I studied various topics in computer science, including database design, system programming, network programming, computer graphics, etc. I graduated from the Computer Science Honor Program with Summa Cum Laude designation.