Decentralized Event System

Events are used a lot in web development, especially in making user interfaces. An event could be a user click, a keystroke, a network…

Posted on 12/27/2021

Google's go link culture

Googlers use go-links extensively. Those are shorten URLs that start with "go", for example . Google internally has a URL shortener…

Posted on 12/8/2019

Google's monorepo

Almost every engineer joined Google will want to talk about Google's monorepo. It is such a unique platform that Google builds its…

Posted on 11/24/2019

Joining Google

It has been a while since I added the last post. A lot has changed in my life. Two months ago I left Veeva and joined Google. In this post…

Posted on 8/25/2019

How I became a front end software engineer

My background in software engineering is fairly standard. I graduated from a 4 years bachelors degree studying computer science. During my…

Posted on 5/30/2019

JavaScript for Coding Interview

Recently I have been practicing coding interviews questions using JavaScript. Unlike Java and C++, JavaScript doesn't come with a standard…

Posted on 5/19/2019

Why Immutability

I know it's good, but why?

While working on a game server, my friend asked me why I made the game state immutable. Why couldn't we update the state in place if we just…

Posted on 12/31/2018

Thinking in platform

What does it mean to be in a UI Platform team

In our company, we have different engineering teams. Some work on specific applications; some work on certain features shared by all…

Posted on 12/24/2018

Bug analysis: slowness when working with a large table in IE

The target audience of this post are frontend developers of all levels A while ago I worked on an interesting performance issue. Our…

Posted on 11/17/2018

Implementing a JavaScript expression engine

The target audience of this post are JavaScript developers of any level. Recently I started working on an expression engine in JavaScript…

Posted on 11/4/2018