Custom Jasmine Asymmetric Matchers

11/4/2017Time to read: 2 min

Jasmine provides some very convenient asymmetric matchers such as any, anything and objectContaining. Using them can make your test more robust.

For example:

var foo = {
      a: 1,
      b: 2,
      bar: "baz"

// check if object foo has a field bar and if === "baz"
    bar: "baz"

Just like objectContaining, all the asymmetric matchers use custom logic to compare the test element and the expected result instead of just basic equality check. Jasmine has very good documentationfor the usage of their matchers, so I will not try to explain them here.

As far as I know, Jasmine doesn't have any official documentation on creating custom asymmetric matcher. I looked inside the code and found that it is actually very easy to implement one.

These are the requirement:

  1. An asymmetric matcher needs to be a function.
  2. The asymmetric matcher needs to expose a field asymmetricMatch, which is a function that takes two arguments. The first argument is the test element (the one you wrap inside expect); the second argument is customTesters, which is another way to achieve custom comparison. For the scope of this article, we will not use the second argument.
  3. You can provide optional reporting when test fails by providing a jasmineToString method.

Let's say we need to test phone numbers, but the phone numbers we get are in different formats. For example (I am using American phone numbers), 123-456-7890, or (123)456-7890. We can't simply toEqual because that will do string comparison and the two numbers will be considered not equal.

We can create a custom asymmetric matcher that normalize the difference before doing the comparison.

See the Pen Jasmine Asymmetric Matcher by Yiou Chen (@yiochen) on CodePen.

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